Maiden’s Rite of Passage

This ceremony celebrates the Maiden beginning her moontime cycle (menstruation) to honour her coming of age and crossing the threshold into the mystery of womanhood.

Many years ago the first blood was celebrated with ceremony and ritual, it was sacred. Women would gather in the red tent to initiate the Maiden into their circle of wisdom. She would be nourished, pampered and guided with stories from the older women. There was no shame around her period, it was a gift to be treasured now being a ‘life bringer’. Somewhere over time this celebration was forgotten… It is time again to acknowledge our Maidens, for them to be celebrated as they enter womanhood, so their memory of beginning to bleed is positive and life affirming.


Maiden’s Circle of Women Ceremony:  $360 – 3 hours

Maiden and Mama invite women who are close, supportive and treasured in the Maiden’s life to be a part of the ceremony. It’s a coming together in circle to rejoice, nurture and share in the celebration of this rite of passage. Although I will hold the ceremonial space, the woman gathered in circle create the magical experience for the Maiden through stories, gifting and nourishment.

Maiden & Mama Ceremony:  $240 – 2 hours

Sometimes Maiden’s prefer a more intimate ceremony. This option is a beautiful way to create the same positive memory and experience without overwhelming the Maiden. The ceremony has a similar flow, just without the circle of women. It is a time for deep bonding between Maiden and Mama.

Hawaiian Bodywork for the Maiden:  $120 – 60 mins

Nurture the Maiden with a gift of Hawaiian Bodywork. This is a nourishing initiation that supports her crossing the threshold. Book bodywork for the week after the ceremony to assist the integration of her rite of passage.